Please support our Sabbath Queen Impact Campaign. Here is a link to our 501c3 fiscal sponsor Reboot:

If you would like to join the SABBATH QUEEN team as an Executive Producer, Co-Executive Producer, Contributing Producer, and give at a high-donor level, please be in touch. We would welcome you to be part of the incredible circle around this film.

We have a seed grant for our impact campaign and are raising funds so we can launch a multi-pronged tour around the world to the places where this critical and difficult dialogue is needed most. We are looking to build out our impact team and seek impact producers, managers, coordinators to join our efforts. We are looking for people who work nationally, who work locally in a city like New York or Los Angeles or London, or who work in issue areas like Jewish communal organizing or multi-faith organizing. We are looking for impact fundraisers and grant writers as well.